Doch Untung ja hari nie aku pengen posting...ternyata blog ku mau expired hehehhe ....untung si untung untung dech :D
Hmmm Ga taw mesti ngetik paan ..ig males banget wat explore kata2 ..Gi Muales banget ada yang seru wat di ceritaain ...mungkin yang serunya kisah ci ayah yang kena ga kerja lagi duch kacian banget ....aku jg ga taw mesti gimana
tapi mungkin ini jalan wat dia untuk tambah mandiri ...buka usaha sendiri yang mungkin membuat dia lebih semangat hahahaha ...kacian ci ayah ...duh ...
hmmm hari ini aku nambahin play list di blog ku ...Khusus lagu favorite ku dari jaman sma dolo ...hehhe dari jaman pilm na zorro ampe yang baru ada ....
ini salah satunya lirikna lagu yang paling paling paling aku seneng ....
My Baby You
as i look into your eyes
i see all the reasons why
my life's worth a thousand skies
you're the simplest love i've known
and the purest one i'll own
know you'll never be alone
my baby you
are the reason i could fly
and 'cause of you
i don't have to wonder why
baby you
there's no more just getting by
you're the reason i feel so alive
though these words i say are true
they still fail to capture you
as mere words can only do
how do i explain that smile
and how it turns my world around
keeping my feet on the ground
[repeat chorus]
i will soothe you if you fall
i'll be right there if you call
you're my greatest love of all
Jul 05
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2 -Yukz Coment-:
nice blog :)
nice blog :)
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