huhuhu..bis nyepi dapet tag dari CC UnieQ...makasi yach cc dah inget ma ci Pu ini ...
Ywd tak kerjain dulu yah tag na ...
.....♥Begin Here♥.....
This is the easy way and the fastest way to :
1. Make your Authority Technoraty explode.
2. Increase your Google Page Rank.
3. Get more traffic to your blog.
4. Makes more new friends.
♥Rules ♥:
1. Start copy from “Begin Copy” until “End Copy” to your blog.
2. Put your own blog name and link.
3. Tag your friends as much as you can..
Picturing of Life, La Place de Cherie, Chez Francine, Le bric à brac de Cherie, Sorounded by Everything, Moments, A lot to Offer, Blogweblink, Blogcheers, Bloggerminded, Blogofminegal, Like A Dream Come True, Simply Amazing, Amazing Life, Vivek, NOvee,Icha,Anggangelina,Eiven,Putli,Neta,Shinta,tsukuba, CC UnieQ,KupuKupu,
Copy the entire list and add your name at the bottom. Tag at least 5 friends..!
hihiih binun dech tag ini buat sapah ...
1.♥Dede Shige♥ dede kemana ajah ...????
2.♥Rhintoz♥ kerjain yah De !!
3.♥Cent D♥
4.♥kaka Khendin♥ walaupun ga bakal dikerjain Coz blogna ici tipppsssss mulu :O
5.and Last Buat Cuamiku... ♥Dvallen♥ Hmm papa jgn malas yach !! :k
nah ..nah nah dah kebagian cemua nie ... bagi yang di tunjuk kerjain yaps ...... :D ♥
2 -Yukz Coment-:
Yak seperti yang diduga sebelumnya, aku nggak ngerjain tag ini. he..he..he... :D gpp dech Up to u dech Kaka Khendin yang super duperrrrrrrrrrrrr peyitttttttttttt......................................
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