Congrats to Hady Mirza, the winner of the first Asian Idol competition. To be honest, I’m not really surprised with the result. The main reason behind this is the voting system in Asian Idol. Last night, Mike, Jaclyn, and Mau gave their best performances. But their best performances won’t make most people outside their home country to vote for them. Since we have to vote for two idols, people will tend to vote their home idol and idol with least performance.
Duch Ga nYangka dech Ternyata wakil dari singapore yang menjadi pemenang Asian idol aku dah berharap banget MIke bakal jd the winnerna ..HUkZz...Kalu Ga Mike ..wakil dari malaysia itu ..suaranya Okeh banget ...Tapi napa Hady mirza yg jd winner ye....menang tampang kali yah xixixixix...tapi Gpp dech ....yang penting mike dah berusaha dan gw ga nyesel liat performanya di tipi ampe rela begadang dua hari nie ...hihihihihih
maju terus dech Buat Hady mirza semoga bisa menjadi yang terbaik nanti untuk mewakili negara asia...CONGRATULATIONS FOR HADY MIRZA...!!
Dec 17
Hady Mirza, the first Asian Idol winner
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1 -Yukz Coment-:
Hahaha.. rada aneh juga yaa sistem voting-nya :D Rada ngga adil juga buat yg udah ngasih performa terbaiknya :P
Ngga nonton acaranya seehh tapii kata temen gua suaranya si Mike emang yg paling bagus, jadii.. sayang juga dia kaga menang..
Btw, salam kenal yaa ;)
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